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Hikers in Mountainous Landscape

Programmatic Level

Mountain Top Moments

Mountain top moments only come as a result of discipline, hard work, and the belief in something bigger than ourselves. They are often difficult, sacrificial journeys. Halfway through the journey, the thought of continuing the climb seems undoable. Looking down, we know we can't go back.  Achieving the goal is surreal, and once at the top, we get to look at the view, give thanks for our new knowledge, and plan the next journey, however, this time the journey has us leading the climb, and collaborating with other "Sherpa" guides to help others  meet their goals. We use our climbing tools to help everyone: patient goals, organizational goals, colleague goals, employee goals, coaching and mentoring, problem solving, and innovating are all the new tools we have to help others on the next journey. 

Mountainuos Landscape

The University of Mary


St. Gianna Beretta Molla

        The University of Mary exists to serve the religious, academic, and cultural needs of the people of the region of North Dakota and beyond. It takes its tone from the commitment of the Sisters of Annunciation Monastery, The sisters founded the University in 1959 and continue to sponsor it today. It is Christian, it is Catholic, and it is Benedictine.

     The St. Gianna School of Health Sciences envisions the spirit of St. Gianna Beretta Molla, a thriving center for excellence that prepares servant leaders who will transform healthcare for everyone at all stages of life, and are anchored in moral courage, respecting and defending the dignity of the human person. Graduates of the University of Mary are expected to be exemplars of moral courage, doing what we can for every person, created in the image of God, ensuring that they have access to necessary treatments and therapies, especially the poor, the  marginalized , and the underserved.

      The Doctor of Nursing Practice in Organizational Leadership Degree, post MSN to DNP provides education in evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and systems leadership. The program is intended to enhance advanced-practice nursing roles to prepare experts in population-based practice, leadership and policy. Expert nurses make unique contributions to the healthcare across many areas and populations.

DNP Organizational Leadership: Coursework

The unofficial transcript tells the story of a student's academic journey by the names of the courses and the numbers. Fulltime employment, a family, collaboration with a project  partner, and life happenings during the educational journey are the chapters in the story that create the memories. The Rolling Clinical Log documents in detail the hours and activities of the scholarly practicum work. 1000 practicum hours are required for graduation.

Program Outcomes

  • Appraise healthcare organizations to assess strengths and weaknesses and facilitate organization-wide improvement in healthcare delivery from a systems thinking approach

  • Perform as a leader in knowledge translation and application of evidence-based practice through critical evaluation, synthesis, and integration of health information and research findings to improve healthcare and healthcare systems

  • Integrate informatics and patient care technology into clinical practice and organizational systems to improve healthcare outcomes

  • Influence healthcare policy at the local, state and federal level to champion issues of quality, social justice, equality, and fiscal responsibility in the delivery of healthcare services

  • Successfully negotiate and manage cutting-edge innovations and change among interprofessional teams for purpose of advancing healthcare quality among patients, populations and healthcare systems

  • Apply Benedictine values to foster a collaborative relationship that promotes respect, protection, and enhancement of spiritual integrity, human dignity, as well as cultural diversity to improve patient and population health outcomes

  • Integrate professional standards, nursing science and theory, values, accountability, ongoing self-reflection, ethical, analytical, and organizational sciences as the foundation of the highest level of nursing practice                                                         



                                     Doctorate Essentials

I.      Scientific Underpinnings for Practice​

II.    Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Improvement and Systems Thinking

III.   Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods for Evidence-Based Practice

IV.    Information Systems/Technology and Patient Care Technology for the Improvement and Transformation of         Healthcare

V.     Health Care Policy for Advocacy in Health care

VI.    Inter-Professional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes

VII.  Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving the Nation's Health

VIII  Advanced Nursing Practice



Specialty Courses

NUR 565-Statistics -                                                                                                                 3 Semester Credit

Develop an understanding of descriptive and inferential statistics for the purpose of statistically analyzing and      interpreting research findings.


NUR 830- DNP Project & Nursing Scholarship I        117.5 practicum hours                        7 Semester Credits

First of four courses culminating in an evidence-based practice project that results in a system change. Through collaboration with a healthcare related organization, identify a clinical problem through investigation of organizational data, document a needs assessment, develop a PICO question, create a problem statement, define the significance of the problem, and identify key stakeholders. Completion of  literature review from current topic knowledge, formulate recommendations for change, organize and implement the project, and measure outcomes. Principles of health informatics, systems thinking, funding, and theoretical frameworks guide decisions and contribute to the application of innovation in healthcare organizations.


NUR 838- Epidemiology & Population Health                                                                        3 Semester Credits

The interpretation  and integration of epidemiology, logistical modeling, and public health surveillance in evaluating and improving healthcare systems is the focus of this course. The course introduces investigation of outbreaks and helps the student to develop a knowledge base to address issues of health and illness among populations.


NUR 840-DNP Project & Nursing Scholarship II        263.75 practicum hours                      1 Semester Credit

The second course in the four part series which challenges students in role transformation to consider social, economic and political influences that shape health policy, healthcare quality, and patient safety at the national, regional and organizational level, Through study of knowledge translation, the students discovers how nursing practice is informed and patient care advanced. The multidimensional  professional obligations of nurse leaders are appraised.


NUR 848- Data Driven Quality Improvement in Healthcare                                                  3 Semester Credits

Advancing nursing and health care quality through strategy implementation and systems thinking principles are founded on evidence-based, data driven decisions. Making informed choices within healthcare organizations requires clinical inquiry and utilization of not just relevant, but also accurate data, which is the focus of this course.


NUR 850 (750)-Teaching and Learning in Nursing (elective)                                                  3 Semester Credits

Historical foundations of nursing education, adult learning theories and teaching principles are the highlights of course. Utilizing these principles for the design and implementation of teaching plans for patients and families, staff, preceptors, students, peers, members of interdisciplinary teams and community groups. Education is a cornerstone of constantly evolving nursing practice from expert clinicians.


NUR 860 -The Nurse Executive (elective)                                                                                  3 Semester Credits

AONL Nurse Executive competencies assist Doctorate prepared nurse executives to fulfill the responsibility to confidently influence a diverse workforce toward application of an organizations strategic utilization of fiscal and human resources, information, technology, and innovation to create a positive impact on the patient care experience, the health of populations, cost of care, and workplace satisfaction. 


NUR 905- Organizational Systems Leadership Practicum   100 practicum hours                    2 Semester Credits

Enhancing professional leadership qualities and the cultivation of the knowledge, skills and attitudes required of individuals charged with leading people, teams, organizations and systems. A foundation of virtuous leadership helps students to integrate theory and practice  during planning clinical experiences with qualified leaders. Deb Martin, MSN, RN, CNML Mentor- AONL Leadership Competency program for Nurse Managers the practicum topic


NUR 906-Healthcare Finance & Economics                                                                                3Semester Credits

Analytical methods to appraise economic aspects of various healthcare sectors including clinics, the underserved and rural populations, organizations, local, state, and federal healthcare budgets, and the economic aspects of healthcare reform. The course applies the tools of analysis to the behaviour of households, healthcare providers, health insurance organizations, pharmaceutical industries, hospitals and not-for-profit ad federally funded clinics.


NUR 908- Healthcare Policy & Advocacy                                                                                  3 Semester Credits

The integration of knowledge of current health issues, policy, ethics, and clinical decision making is considered in advocacy for the profession and patients as it applies to law and legislation regarding health care policy and finances. Principles of professional responsibility, autonomy and interdisciplinary collaboration are included. Doctorate students will enhance professional skills in verbal, written and electronic communication; team leadership; providing written and verbal testimony, and creating and sustaining health related initiatives. 


NUR 916- Interprofessional Collaboration                                                                                3 Semester Credits

DNP students built upon current collaboration skills to develop leadership and negotiation expertise in interprofessional teams to drive positive redesign of healthcare delivery systems. Tools, theories, and models for navigating through conflict resolution, effective communication, team dynamics, and motivation to achieve optimal health outcomes are explored.


NUR 930-DNP Project & Nursing Scholarship III      39 practicum hours                            1 Semester Credit

The third of a four part series culminated in the completion  of the evidence-based project through continued collaboration with stakeholders, gain IRB approval and implement the project.


NUR940- DNP Project & Nursing Scholarship IV   172 practicum hours                           3  Semester Credits

Final course in the series of four, culminating in the completion of applied evidence-based practice project resulting in a systems change. Continued collaboration with stakeholders, project data analysis,, outcome evaluations and project results dissemination.


NUR 855- Systems Leadership Immersion Fall 2021 (100 hours)                                             1 Semester Credit

To reach the 1000 practicum hours required for Doctorate students, the Systems Leadership Immersion provides an opportunity to be in mentorship roles with leaders. This allows the student to align professional goals with career trajectories and competencies identified in the Doctorate Essentials. Dr. Lauren Thorngate at HopeHealth was the mentor for the Fall 2021/ Spring 2022 NUR855 practicum experiences​

Nur 855- Systems Leadership Immersion   Spring 2022  (100 hours)                                         1 Semester Credit

NUR 855- Systems Leadership Immersion  Summer 2022 (100 hours)                                       1 Semester Credit

Dr. Kristin Berghoff, DNP, RN, CNL  The development of a peer mentor pilot program for two July 2022 nurse residents who were starting Peer Mentorship programs and support for new nurses was the evidence-based topic for this practicum.


HUM 999 Doctoral Studies Assessment 

Graduation Requirement                                                                                                       





The DNP Project


The DNP Project is the result of a  12-month journey of exploration, research and implementation of a project designed to meet an  identified organizational need with a sustainable change. It is a structured and methodical approach, and demonstrates the students' personal and professional  growth through deliverable scholarly work, collaboration with stakeholders, and practice change. The Doctorate Essentials are designed to prepare the student for future contributions of leadership, scholarly work,  policy and practice change to improve the quality and safety of healthcare across populations.


The beginning....

Once conceptualized, pitching the idea was very beginning of the projected. It was an exciting time, as novice DNP students we could not yet fathom the depth and breadth of the work ahead of us. The  Literature Search was  an exhaustive inquiry based upon carefully defined search terms. This was beneficial to learn the relevance of particular data bases and to learn the critical appraisal of data . My ability to see how deeply to search, and how to determine the strength of evidence was enhanced. Knowledge was gained in the organizational process of multidisciplinary team work, strategic decisions and in meeting the needs of organizations. Critical Literature appraisal and research skill were objectives that we meet in this first of the DNP Scholarship courses. It was both exciting and overwhelming with a great deal of learning.


A Journey....

The journey into the DNP project depth became very real during the Spring 2022 semester. In order to prepare for project implementation, the resilience toolkit had to be created, the first three chapters of the DNP project paper had to be written and The IRB application had to be completed. The logic model creation for the project steps and flow of work was also needed,. This time of the project was a period of both immense stress, and immense growth in our partnership. The process of seeing a vision through from conceptualization to  creation and planning of the implementation of the project required commitment, teamwork and working past barriers. The lessons learned are highly applicable to our work in future  professional nursing roles and leading teams through change that may be challenging, meeting course outcomes exploring social, economic and political contexts. We lived the opportunities and challenges DNP prepared  nurses must be proficient in to make a successful transition into the APRN role.


The Deep Dive....

Project Implementation required a deep dive into the process of meeting with stakeholders, building bridges and going into uncharted territory as a novice DNP student. The attention to detail, the careful planning, and contact with the project champions required us to trust that we had put enough product, structure and direction in place that the project would be implemented as we had envisioned. We greatly benefitted from the expertise of our PhD prepared project champion. The Champion Button leads to the meeting minutes for our First in depth nursing faculty meeting project kickoff. The need to accomplish this from a distance was an important learning opportunity for myself, learning to trust my partner and the team. I learned a great deal about how much can be accomplished with clear communication, accountability, and how to be flexible when the plan does not proceed precisely as envisioned. It was also empowering to learn that even if others do not share the same enthusiasm, work can still be accomplished through a structured change process. My partner and I chose to work on more projects together as we were hitting our stride as a team. The Commonwealth case study was an important collaboration that learned a great deal from. Communication, Scholarship and Professional  Distinction during our project implementation demonstrated proof of knowledge translated into practice.

NUR 940


The culmination of all of our scholarly effort was realized in our DNP project outcomes measurement. We utilized a comprehensive, qualitative and quantitative measurement plan to capture the students CD-RISC scores as a quantitative measure of resilience score impact, which revealed a statistically significant improvement from the beginning to the end of the semester. We  analyzed the students descriptive responses to open-ended questions on a survey provided at the end of the semester, and measured the utility of the toolkit with a 5 point -Likert scale. The students' honest and moving heartfelt responses to the open-ended questions on the end-of semester survey provided insight into the need for resilience building content in nursing program curricula. The retention rate of 100 percent, for the first time in 6 years (across 12 first-semester cohorts) was deeply impactful. The deep satisfaction and joy of  a DNP project that exceeded our expectations was humbling and inspirational. We are disseminating our scholarly work at  the Minot State University Research Poster Presentation on April, 27, 2023, at the Umary Colloquium on April 28, 2023, and we have been asked to design and create a 1 credit curriculum course to teach at Minot State University beginning Fall 2023. We are excited about the future publication in a peer reviewed online or print journal and we plan to present at future conferences and further develop the toolkit. The DNP project Final Defense Poster is available for review of the project and the data.

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